Friday, May 11, 2012

Facebook to Include File-Sharing For Groups

Facebook is rolling out with the ability to share files among groups. They revealed the
information in an exclusive interview with Mashable. They event included a picture of
what the feature will look like.
Only a few groups will have the ability to to file-share on Thursday’s roll out date, but
 everyone will be incorporated in the days that follow.
Users will have the ability to upload most file types up to 25 MB. Exceptions will be
music files and executable files. E-books, comics, and video files are fine up to 25MB
. Facebook seems to be trying to avoid being associated with any nefarious activity like
piracy or hacking by eliminating .exe and music files, while keeping file size down to
 eliminate copyrighted video.
They are also including the ability to flag malicious or copyrighted files, making it less
 pirate and hacker friendly. If someone were interested in that kind of activity there are
a lot more sites out there to accomplish such things, but I’m sure there are going to be
 more than a few spammers or bots out their waiting to troll people’s groups.
Mashable speculated that Facebook will use its recent acquisition of the file sharing
service to add a conference calling service to groups. I guess we’re going to
 have to wait and see on that one.

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